Xbus deployment

This section provides information on how to deploy Xbus. It is aimed at sys admins.



Xbus uses a PostgreSQL database to serialize configuration and events. Deployment of a PostgreSQL server is out of the scope of this documentation; but a default setup will lead to the 5432 port being open.

Xbus server

To run an Xbus server:

xbusd serve

Add --help to see available settings.

By default, Xbus listens on the 4222 port (may be changed with the --nats-port setting).

Note the database.dsn setting that allows configuring the PostgreSQL server and database to connect to.

Building the binary: Xbus requires Go 1.7; check the README section of this documentation for details on how to build Xbus.

Xbus connectors

Programs that connect to Xbus (emitters / workers / consumers) connect to the Xbus server on the port mentioned above. These connectors do not need to expose any port.



Xbus is to be administered via the xbusctl program; see the xbusctl section of this documentation for details.



make build

Create docker image


Edit config file

Use ./etc/xbusd_sample.yaml to create a configuration file called xbusd.yaml. Assuming that the configuration file xbusd.yaml is in the /var/data/xbus/etc directory:

  • Set the database host reachable from the docker, db name, db user and db password.
  • Add option to disable database ssl mode.
  • Set the nats host and port.


  • Create a directory certs in /var/data/xbus/etc directory.

Init xbus db

Run xbusd init command from the docker to initialize the database:

docker run --rm -p 4222:4222 -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusd xbusd init --config /etc/xbusd/xbusd.yaml --cert-dir /etc/xbusd/certs/

Generate xbus certificates

Generate keys:

docker run --rm -p 4222:4222 -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusd xbusd key generate --config /etc/xbusd/xbusd.yaml --cert-dir /etc/xbusd/certs/

Generate certificates:

The –host-defs option defines the host for which the server-ca is generated. It can be a host name, an IP or a domain.

docker run --rm -p 4222:4222 -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusd xbusd cert generate server-ca --config /etc/xbusd/xbusd.yaml --cert-dir /etc/xbusd/certs/ --host-defs <HOST DEFS>
docker run --rm -p 4222:4222 -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusd xbusd cert generate client-ca --config /etc/xbusd/xbusd.yaml --cert-dir /etc/xbusd/certs/

Register xbusctl

Use ./etc/xbusctl_sample.yaml to create a configuration file called xbusctl.yaml. Assuming that the configuration file xbusctl.yaml is in the /var/data/xbus/etc directory:

Run xbusd serve:

docker run --rm -d --restart always -t -p 4222:4222 --name xbus -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusd xbusd serve --config /etc/xbusd/xbusd.yaml --cert-dir /etc/xbusd/certs/

Generate keys:

docker run --rm -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusctl xbusctl --account-name xbusctl_name key generate  --config /etc/xbusctl/xbusctl.yaml


docker run --rm -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusctl xbusctl register --config /etc/xbusctl/xbusctl.yaml

Accept account:

docker exec -ti xbus xbusd account list --config /etc/xbusd/xbusd.yaml --cert-dir /etc/xbusd/certs
docker exec -ti xbus xbusd account accept "<FINGERPRINT>" --config /etc/xbusd/xbusd.yaml --cert-dir /etc/xbusd/certs/

Register again:

docker run --rm -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusctl xbusctl register --config /etc/xbusctl/xbusctl.yaml

Run docker

docker run --rm -p 4222:4222 --name xbus -v /var/data/xbus/etc:/etc/xbusd xbusd serve --config /etc/xbusd/xbusd.yaml --cert-dir /etc/xbusd/certs/

Stop docker

docker stop xbus