xbusd account¶
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
Display accounts allowed to connect to Xbus, as a list.
xbusd account list [flags]
--cert-details Display cert details
--csr-hash Display CSR fingerprints (default true)
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version
accept <fingerprint>¶
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
Accept a pending account request so it can be allowed to connect to Xbus.
xbusd account accept <id|name|fingerprint> [flags]
--cert-expire string Date of duration for the account certificate to expire (default "1y")
-h, --help help for accept
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version
reject <fingerprint>¶
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
Reject a pending account request; it will not be allowed to connect to Xbus.
xbusd account reject <id|name|fingerprint> [flags]
-h, --help help for reject
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version
xbusd cert¶
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
Generate certificates for the server CA (the one clients connecting to Xbus will check). The file will be named "ServerCA.crt" and is based on a "ServerCA.key" private key.
xbusd cert generate server-ca [flags]
--expire string A date (YYYY-MM-DD) or duration (in y, m or d) for expiration (default "1y")
-h, --help help for server-ca
--host-defs string A comma separated list of hostname and ip addresses
that may be used to contact the server.
Example: "xbus.mycompany.org,,"
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
Generate certificates for the client CA (the one clients connecting to Xbus will have to have been signed by). The file will be named "ClientCA.crt" and is based on a "ClientCA.key" private key.
xbusd cert generate client-ca [flags]
--expire string A date (YYYY-MM-DD) or duration (in y, m or d) for expiration (default "1y")
-h, --help help for client-ca
--host-defs string A comma separated list of hostname and ip addresses
that may be used to contact the server.
Example: "xbus.mycompany.org,,"
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version
xbusd init¶
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
This command can be used to automatically create or update Xbus
configuration tables in a PostgreSQL database. It is now an alias for 'migrate'
xbusd init [flags]
-h, --help help for init
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version
xbusd migrate¶
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
Migrate the xbus database
xbusd migrate [flags]
-h, --help help for migrate
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version
xbusd key¶
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
Generate private keys:
- ServerCA.key: For the server CA (the one clients connecting to Xbus will
- ClientCA.key: For the client CA (the one clients connecting to Xbus will have
to have been signed by).
xbusd key generate [flags]
-h, --help help for generate
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version
xbusd serve¶
This xbusd binary is for testing purpose and personal use only.
Run one or several of the Xbus servers.
The servers are:
- nats: A genuine nats server
- broker: Exchanges envelopes with actors
- control: Handle control API
xbusd serve [flags]
--broker Start the broker service (default true)
--clientapi Start the clientapi service (default true)
--control Start the control service (default true)
--debug-sql-bindings Logs sql bindings to debug. Very verbose
--debug-sql-queries Logs sql queries to debug. Very verbose
--director Start the director service (default true)
--emitter Start the emitter service (default true)
--envelopestorage Start the envelopestorage service (default true)
--gnatsd.http_host string User host for http monitoring
--gnatsd.http_port int User port for http monitoring
--gnatsd.https_port int User port for https monitoring
-h, --help help for serve
--metrics Start the metrics service (default true)
--metrics-http-host string User host for http metrics (prometheus)
--metrics-http-port int User port for http metrics (prometheus)
--nats Start a NATS server (default true)
--postmortem Start the postmortem service (default true)
--processstate Start the processstate service (default true)
--registration Start the registration service (default true)
--sentinel Start the sentinel service (default true)
--sentry.dsn string DSN of a sentry instance
--sentry.environment string DSN of a sentry instance
Global Flags:
--cert-dir string The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside.
--config string config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml)
-d, --database-dsn string PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus")
--database-max-connections int Maximum allowed number of open database connections (default 5)
--debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console
--full-version Show version and commit hash
--nats-host string Host of the nats server (default "localhost")
--nats-port int Port of the nats server (default 4222)
--storage-process-db-max-connections int Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections)
--tls-timeout float TLS handshake timeout (default 4)
--trace Enable even more logging than --debug.
--version Show version