
xbusctl account


Display accounts allowed to connect to Xbus, as a list.

  xbusctl account list [flags]

      --cert-details   Display cert details
      --csr-hash       Display CSR fingerprints (default true)
  -h, --help           help for list

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Accept a pending account request so it can be allowed to connect to Xbus.

  xbusctl account accept <identifier> [flags]

      --cert-expire string   Expire date or duration for the account certificate (default "1y")
  -h, --help                 help for accept

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Reject a pending account request; it will not be allowed to connect to Xbus.

  xbusctl account reject <identifier> [flags]

  -h, --help   help for reject

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Delete an account.

  xbusctl account delete <identifier> [flags]

      --delete-actors   Force delete the related actors
  -h, --help            help for delete

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Renew the APIKey of an account

  xbusctl account renew-apikey [flags]

  -h, --help   help for renew-apikey

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Get the current APIKey of an account

  xbusctl account get-apikey [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get-apikey

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Set the APIKey of an account

  xbusctl account set-apikey [flags]

  -h, --help   help for set-apikey

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question

xbusctl actor


Create a new actor

  xbusctl actor create [flags]

  -h, --help   help for create

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --id string                Actor's ID
      --name string              Actor's name
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --role string              Actor's role
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --type string              Actor's type (emitter, consumer)
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


  xbusctl actor list [flags]

  -h, --help   help for list

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --id string                Actor's ID
      --name string              Actor's name
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --role string              Actor's role
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --type string              Actor's type (emitter, consumer)
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Accept a pending actor so it can be allowed to connect to Xbus. An actor ID or name is required.

  xbusctl actor accept [flags]

  -h, --help   help for accept

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --id string                Actor's ID
      --name string              Actor's name
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --role string              Actor's role
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --type string              Actor's type (emitter, consumer)
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Reject a pending actor so it can be allowed to connect to Xbus. An actor ID or name is required.

  xbusctl actor reject [flags]

  -h, --help   help for reject

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --id string                Actor's ID
      --name string              Actor's name
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --role string              Actor's role
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --type string              Actor's type (emitter, consumer)
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question

xbusctl pipeline


List pipelines, optionnaly filtered by name

  xbusctl pipeline list [name] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for list

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Pipeline subcommands allow to list and modify pipelines

  xbusctl pipeline [command]

Available Commands:
  get         Get a pipeline definition
  list        List pipelines, optionnaly filtered by name
  save        Save a pipeline
  status      Change the status of a pipeline version

  -h, --help   help for pipeline

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question

Use "xbusctl pipeline [command] --help" for more information about a command.

xbusctl key


Generate a private key named based on the selected user.

  xbusctl key generate [flags]

  -h, --help   help for generate

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question

xbusctl ps


Process list

  xbusctl ps [flags]
  xbusctl ps [command]

Available Commands:
  cancel      Cancel a process
  export      Export process data
  pause       Pause a process
  purge       Purge process data
  resume      Resume a process

      --all                             Include processes with any status
      --created-from string             Process was created at or after this date (or duration before now)
      --created-to string               Process was created before or at this date (or duration before now)
      --envelope-id string              Include processes that are related to one on the given envelopes
  -h, --help                            help for ps
      --live                            Include processes that are not terminated
      --pipeline string                 Include pipelines matching the selection (ex: name1,name2==version,name3)
      --result-acked                    Include processes for which the result is acked
      --result-not-acked                Include processes for which the result is not acked
      --status-changed-since string     Status of the process changed at least once after this date (or duration before now)
      --status-done                     Include processes in the 'done' status
      --status-error                    Include processes in the 'error' status
      --status-initial                  Include processes in the 'initial' status
      --status-paused                   Include processes in the 'paused' status
      --status-running                  Include processes in the 'running' status
      --status-unchanged-since string   Status of the process did not change after this date (or duration before now)
      --terminated                      Include processes that are terminated

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question

Use "xbusctl ps [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Pause a process

  xbusctl ps pause [flags]

  -h, --help   help for pause

Global Flags:
      --account-id string               Account ID
      --account-name string             Account Name
      --all                             Include processes with any status
      --config string                   config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
      --created-from string             Process was created at or after this date (or duration before now)
      --created-to string               Process was created before or at this date (or duration before now)
  -d, --debug                           Enable debug mode
      --envelope-id string              Include processes that are related to one on the given envelopes
      --force-start                     Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version                    Show version and commit hash
      --live                            Include processes that are not terminated
      --nats-timeout duration           NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string                 NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --pipeline string                 Include pipelines matching the selection (ex: name1,name2==version,name3)
      --result-acked                    Include processes for which the result is acked
      --result-not-acked                Include processes for which the result is not acked
      --sentry.dsn string               Sentry DSN
      --status-changed-since string     Status of the process changed at least once after this date (or duration before now)
      --status-done                     Include processes in the 'done' status
      --status-error                    Include processes in the 'error' status
      --status-initial                  Include processes in the 'initial' status
      --status-paused                   Include processes in the 'paused' status
      --status-running                  Include processes in the 'running' status
      --status-unchanged-since string   Status of the process did not change after this date (or duration before now)
      --terminated                      Include processes that are terminated
      --tls.certificate string          Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string                  CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string          Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float               TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                           Enable trace mode
      --version                         Show version
  -y, --yes                             Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Resume a process

  xbusctl ps resume [flags]

  -h, --help   help for resume

Global Flags:
      --account-id string               Account ID
      --account-name string             Account Name
      --all                             Include processes with any status
      --config string                   config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
      --created-from string             Process was created at or after this date (or duration before now)
      --created-to string               Process was created before or at this date (or duration before now)
  -d, --debug                           Enable debug mode
      --envelope-id string              Include processes that are related to one on the given envelopes
      --force-start                     Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version                    Show version and commit hash
      --live                            Include processes that are not terminated
      --nats-timeout duration           NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string                 NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --pipeline string                 Include pipelines matching the selection (ex: name1,name2==version,name3)
      --result-acked                    Include processes for which the result is acked
      --result-not-acked                Include processes for which the result is not acked
      --sentry.dsn string               Sentry DSN
      --status-changed-since string     Status of the process changed at least once after this date (or duration before now)
      --status-done                     Include processes in the 'done' status
      --status-error                    Include processes in the 'error' status
      --status-initial                  Include processes in the 'initial' status
      --status-paused                   Include processes in the 'paused' status
      --status-running                  Include processes in the 'running' status
      --status-unchanged-since string   Status of the process did not change after this date (or duration before now)
      --terminated                      Include processes that are terminated
      --tls.certificate string          Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string                  CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string          Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float               TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                           Enable trace mode
      --version                         Show version
  -y, --yes                             Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question


Cancel a process

  xbusctl ps cancel [flags]

  -h, --help   help for cancel

Global Flags:
      --account-id string               Account ID
      --account-name string             Account Name
      --all                             Include processes with any status
      --config string                   config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
      --created-from string             Process was created at or after this date (or duration before now)
      --created-to string               Process was created before or at this date (or duration before now)
  -d, --debug                           Enable debug mode
      --envelope-id string              Include processes that are related to one on the given envelopes
      --force-start                     Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version                    Show version and commit hash
      --live                            Include processes that are not terminated
      --nats-timeout duration           NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string                 NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --pipeline string                 Include pipelines matching the selection (ex: name1,name2==version,name3)
      --result-acked                    Include processes for which the result is acked
      --result-not-acked                Include processes for which the result is not acked
      --sentry.dsn string               Sentry DSN
      --status-changed-since string     Status of the process changed at least once after this date (or duration before now)
      --status-done                     Include processes in the 'done' status
      --status-error                    Include processes in the 'error' status
      --status-initial                  Include processes in the 'initial' status
      --status-paused                   Include processes in the 'paused' status
      --status-running                  Include processes in the 'running' status
      --status-unchanged-since string   Status of the process did not change after this date (or duration before now)
      --terminated                      Include processes that are terminated
      --tls.certificate string          Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string                  CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string          Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float               TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                           Enable trace mode
      --version                         Show version
  -y, --yes                             Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question

xbusctl register

Generate a Certificate Signing Request then send it over to Xbus through the
unencrypted "registration" channel. This xbusctl will only be allowed to send
Xbus actual commands once accepted on the Xbus side.
This command also outputs the command one has to run on the Xbus side to accept
the registration request.

  xbusctl register [flags]

  -h, --help   help for register

Global Flags:
      --account-id string        Account ID
      --account-name string      Account Name
      --config string            config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
  -d, --debug                    Enable debug mode
      --force-start              Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
      --full-version             Show version and commit hash
      --nats-timeout duration    NATS Timeout
  -u, --nats-url string          NATS url (default "nats://localhost:4222")
      --sentry.dsn string        Sentry DSN
      --tls.certificate string   Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
      --tls.csr string           CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
      --tls.private-key string   Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
      --tls.timeout float        TLS Timeout (default 4)
      --trace                    Enable trace mode
      --version                  Show version
  -y, --yes                      Auto-answer 'yes' to any confirmation question