Envelope Storage

Starting with version 3.3.0, Xbus provides a more efficient way to store the envelopes in the database. This new storage is not enabled by default.

A typical post-3.3.0 migration configuration would be:

    impl: sql-ng
    fallback: sql
      enabled: true
      max-size: 1G

Primary Storage

Setting the primary storage, ie the storage for new envelopes, is done with the option storage.envelope.impl. It can take one of the following values:

  • sql (default). The historical envelope storage. It stores the envelope content in different tables, allowing an access to the envelope inner data.

    The tables used are:

    • envelope : store the envelope metadata

    • event: store the message metadata (id, sum…)

    • item: store data chunks of the messages

    This storage has some performances issues, as it has to split then rebuild the fragments all the time.

  • sql-ng. This storage stores directly the serialized envelope fragments, allowing a much faster read and write.

    It uses the following tables:

    • envelope_storage stores the envelope metadata

    • envelope_storage_data stores the fragments

Fallback storage

As there is no way to migrate envelopes from a storage to another, a mechanism of fallback storage is provided.

It allows to specify a secondary storage, which will be used for reading envelopes that are not found in the primary storage.

The setting is storage.envelope.fallback, and the possible values are the same as storage.envelope.impl.


A cache can be enabled on top of the chosen storage. Two options are available:


Enable the cache


(default 1073741824 (ie 1GiB)) Set the cache size, in bytes.


When xbusd metrics are enabled, new metrics are available:

  • xbus_storage_calls, a summary with the following dynamic labels:

    • name: The storage name (“cache”, “default”…)

    • implementation: The storage implementation (“cache”, “sql”, “sql-ng”)

    • function: The function. Possible values are:

      • ReadEnvelope: Read a fragment

      • StoreEnvelope: Store a fragment