.. program:: xbusd cert generate client-ca .. _program-xbusd_cert_generate_client-ca: xbusd cert generate client-ca - Generate certificates for the client CA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synopsis ~~~~~~~~ Generate certificates for the client CA (the one clients connecting to Xbus will have to have been signed by). The file will be named "ClientCA.crt" and is based on a "ClientCA.key" private key. :: xbusd cert generate client-ca [flags] Options ~~~~~~~ .. option:: --expire A date (YYYY-MM-DD) or duration (in y, m or d) for expiration .. option:: --help help for client-ca .. option:: --host-defs A comma separated list of hostname and ip addresses that may be used to contact the server. Example: "xbus.mycompany.org,," Options inherited from parent commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. option:: --cert-dir The directory where certificates and private keys of use to this program reside. .. option:: --config config file (default is the first existing file in: $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusd.yaml, /etc/xbus/xbusd.yaml) .. option:: --database-dsn PostgreSQL database connection string (ex: "sslmode=disable dbname=xbus") .. option:: --database-max-connections Maximum allowed number of open database connections .. option:: --debug Enable debugging mode, with lots of logging to the console .. option:: --full-version Show version and commit hash .. option:: --nats-host Host of the nats server .. option:: --nats-port Port of the nats server .. option:: --storage-process-db-max-connections Maximum number of db connections for the process storage (defaults to 30% of database.max-connections) .. option:: --tls-timeout TLS handshake timeout .. option:: --trace Enable even more logging than --debug. .. option:: --version Show version SEE ALSO ~~~~~~~~ * :ref:`xbusd cert generate ` - Generate certificates. *Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Feb-2025*