xbusctl account - Manage accounts that are allowed to connect to Xbus.
This command contains several sub-commands to manage accounts and the permissions they have within Xbus.
In particular, it is possible from this interface to accept / reject pending account requests.
- xbusctl account accept - Accept an account.
- xbusctl account delete - Delete an account.
- xbusctl account export - Export an account configuration file.
- xbusctl account get-apikey - Get the current APIKey of an account
- xbusctl account list - List accounts.
- xbusctl account password - Set/change the password of an account
- xbusctl account reject - Reject an account.
- xbusctl account renew-apikey - Renew the APIKey of an account
- xbusctl account reset-cert - Reset an account certificate (/!temporarily disable the account /!)
- xbusctl account set-apikey - Set the APIKey of an account
- --help
help for account
Options inherited from parent commands
- --account-id
Account ID
- --account-name
Account Name
- --config
config file; default is $HOME/.config/xbus/xbusctl.yaml)
- --debug
Enable debug mode
- --force-start
Enable force start (stay up even if the server is not reachable on start)
- --full-version
Show version and commit hash
- --nats-timeout
NATS Timeout
- --nats-url
NATS url
- --no-reconnect
Disable auto-reconnect and shutdown as soon as any connection error occurs
- --sentry.dsn
Sentry DSN
- --tls.certificate
Certificate (a path or a PEM encoded cert)
- --tls.csr
CSR (a path or a PEM encoded CSR)
- --tls.private-key
Private key (a path or a PEM encoded key)
- --tls.timeout
TLS Timeout
- --trace
Enable trace mode
- --version
Show version
- --yes
Auto-answer ‘yes’ to any confirmation question
xbusctl - Xbus control utility
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Feb-2025