3.4.0-rc.1 (2024-03-27)

The first release candidate of Xbus 3.4 is ready !


This version focuses on updating all dependencies, especially golang and protobuf, and add a couple of features:

  • pipeline matching: add event types matching with regular expressions

  • process export now uses json format, and is more performant

  • update all dependencies


Documentation is online:


Source and binaries are available on our download area:

version “personal”:

Docker images

Get the docker images:

version “personal”:

  • orus/xbusd:3.4.0-rc.1

  • orus/xbusctl:3.4.0-rc.1

  • orus/xbus-client:3.4.0-rc.1

  • orus/xbus-http:3.4.0-rc.1

  • orus/xbus-fullenv:3.4.0-rc.1